Blog Post 6 - Fake News Classification Using TensorFlow

With the development of the Internet, the news media has become faster and faster to spread. However, some fake news reports have also appeared in the Internet along with it. Some fake news media hope to arouse public opinion through fake news, so as to increase their own influence in the internet. Hence, it is important for everyone to have the ability to recognize the real and fake news.

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Blog Post 5 - Image Classification

Distinguishing between cats and dogs might be very easy for everyone! However, this can be a diffcult problem if we want computer to learn to distinguish between them. In this blog plot, we will be learning how to train machine learning models to let our python program to distinguish between cats and dogs. In this blog post, we mainly utilize the packages and methods in TensorFlow.

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Blog Post 2 - Simple Flask Web Development

Hi everyone! In this blog post, I am going to create a simple, interesting Message Bank webapp using Flask. This webapp allows users to submit and view their message on the web page. In this tuturial, I will show you how to create this webapp step by step! Tips: All Web app files has been uploaded to my Github Repository

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Plotly Example

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to embed interactive HTML figures produced via Plotly on your blog. Just use to save your figure. Then, copy the resulting HTML file to the _includes directory of your blog. Finally, place the code

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Local editing

It is possible to construct, maintain, and update your blog fully from GitHub. In this case, it is not necessary to download your blog’s files or modify them on your computer. However, when constructing complex posts involving code and figures, local editing can be more comfortable. Additionally, since GitHub Pages usually takes a few minutes to publish all your changes, modifying your blog locally allows you to more quickly see the results of your changes, including errors when they arise. In this post, I’ll show how to manage your blog locally.

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Example post

In this post, I’ll show how to create a helpful histogram of some synthetic data.

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Creating posts

In this post, we’ll see some examples of how to create technical posts that include Python code, explanatory text, and notes about your learnings. We’ll go over the primary methods that you’ll use to embed content in your posts.

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